A university for the real world
Tag archive for ‘crisis communication’

Crisis Communication: Saving Time and Lives in Disasters through Smarter Social Media

By Terry Flew and Axel Bruns (crossposted from The Conversation) As the worst bushfires seen for generations in New South Wales raged across the Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands....

Social Media in Emergencies a highlight at ANZDEM Conference

In May 2014, Emma Potter (PhD Candidate) and I attended the Australia and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management (ANZDEM) Conference on the Gold Coast. The conference....

A Round-Up of Our Recent Presentations

The end-of-year conference season is over, and the various members of the Social Media Research Group are returning to QUT for a well-deserved summer break. This seems as....

Social Media in Times of Crisis 2013: Register Now!

Our research into the use of social media for crisis communication, which produced last year’s report on the use of Twitter during the 2011 Queensland floods and a variety....