A university for the real world
Tag archive for ‘metrics’

Big Brother’s Radar, Social Media and Public Votes

Big Brother is undoubtedly one of the most popular Australian shows on Social Media. Outside of ABC’s weekly hit Q&A, our 2013 study of Australian TV found Big Brother....

Twitter Excitement Index & Aussie TV Premieres

Welcome to another week of Telemetrics updates. In this blog we’ll take a quick look back at the last set of ‘predictions’, explore the Twitter Excitement....

The Week in Telemetrics: Advanced Metrics & Fine-Tuning

A new week, and so time for an update on progress in Telemetrics. In general, the last 10 days has primarily been concerned with adding additional fields and detail to our....

Introducing Telemetrics: The Weighted Tweet Index

Back in October, as I was flying to and from Denver for the AoIR conference, I was reading a number of books about sporting metrics, In  one of these, “Trading Bases”,....