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BB16 Week 3 Wrap: Native hashtags vs. the newcomers

Posted In News, Projects - By and On Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 With 0 Comments

Since our first BB16 blog, there has been two eliminations and a lot of drama – in the house and online. We are fairly strapped for time at the moment trying to get a White Paper out and about a million other things, in the next week. That being said, we’ll try to update on the important BB16 happenings as they… happen… and maybe try some of the new work with this data as well.


First, a look at the week that was.  Overall, the generic hashtags are being used consistently and in true Big Brother fashion, more hashtags are being used everyday, often introduced by CBS. Just this week I had to add, #BBTracker as well as a few running hashtags, #ZackAttack (a nickname for HG Zach), #Zankie (showmance between Zach and Frankie), #ZankieFallOut (the potential end of Zach and Frankie), and #EvictionPrediction. It’s a wonder why CBS continues to add hashtags that could possibly be steering people away from using their generic ones. What’s wrong with a simple #bb16?


Being elimination night, Thursday seems to be the peak show of the week with close to double the amount of tweets of the other two days. We will look at whether the ‘big night’ remains consistent in coming weeks in the interest of finding out whether context or type of show are more important for tweet numbers.


Total number of tweets containing the generic BB hashags for the week 6 - 12 July.

Total number of tweets containing the generic BB hashags for the week 6 – 12 July.


Taking a closer look at the Thursday show – conversation remained fairly consistent with no major spikes, just a lot of volume.


thursday shw

Total tweets by minute for the Thursday show.


HG Twitter Accounts

The graph below shows us which housemates’ twitters are getting the most mentions, and unsurprisingly at the top, is Joey, the first eliminated contestant voted out in a unanimous 13/13 vote. Two down the list is the most recently voted out contestant Paola, which we are guessing will probably be the most talked about by this time next week if there is a pattern. We saw this last year when HG Kaitlin was voted out early yet continued to be one of the most talked about HGs for the remainder of the series, largely thanks to her involvement in the racial-slur-scandal and somewhat thanks to her social media presence.


Contestant Mentions

Number of times contestant Twitter accounts have been mentioned; 6 – 12 July.


Something new: Users by Timezone

Something we became interested in during last year’s BB broadcast was the difference in tweeters from one side of the US coast to the other, this year also considering the top 10 timezones joining the conversation with the generic hashtags:


Top 10 timezones using the generic BB hashtags on Twitter; 6 - 12 July.

Top 10 timezones using the generic BB hashtags on Twitter; 6 – 12 July.


Eastern time tweet by far the most of any of the timezones which fits with the documented distribution of the US population (47% live in Eastern Time). However, people in Mountain Time are tweeting more about Big Brother than expected with their distribution being only 5.4%, but publishing 9.45% of the total tweets regarding Big Brother. We’ve established that the Quito (Ecuador) timezone aligns with Chicago / Central time, so those users who say they’re in Quito, likely aren’t.


Timezone of total


Until next time…

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